Don't be the next headline. Let Glexia identify your security challenges, recommend corrective actions, and implement meaningful solutions. Contact Us
Robust Security Is Critical
The average cost of a data breach now over USD $7 million.
Most companies are not proactive with security: they have poor internal controls, audits, and situational awareness of not only their security posture, but also the current threat environment. The costs and reputational risks associated with a security incident are significant. Glexia has the experience to defend your business and mitigate cyber threats.
A Comprehensive Approach
We employ all known and anticipated attack vectors.
Potential adversaries do not just target a specific layer of security. Nor do they use just one attack method. Hacking is a particular style of thought. Successful hackers create a door of entry by exploiting the weakness in your physical, virtual, and personnel security. Glexia has ex-hackers who, through years of experience, have mastered this art. Whether we perform a global or specific penetration test or engage in red team attacks, the outcome will better your organization's security posture.
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